Pantolomin Halfback Fish (1)Full unit name: Pantolomin Halfback Fish (Creature)
Last updated: 23.08.2022 19:23:48
Basic info
First appearance: Dark Force Rising, part 5 (Comic)
Native to: Pantolomin
The Pantolomin halfback was a mammalian amphibian native toPantolomin. It had large fins that ran from the back of their heads to their necks. The body was mostly made up of a long tapered tail used for swimming. Their skin was able to change color rapidly and the coloration was used as a form of communication among the animals. Laws were put into place to prevent the slaughter of the animals. Halfbacks were very playful, and attracted to shiny objects. They would often wrestle with each other over baubles that they would take back to their warrens. People were able to ride the halfbacks as they swam. The animals were also domesticated as pets and were loyal and intelligent.


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Full unit name: Pantolomin Halfback Fish (Creature) Last updated: 23.08.2022 19:23:48